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Sep 22, 20227 min read
Neuroscience of Procrastination and Motivation!
Escaping the thief of time, also popularly known as procrastination, is no easy task. We all get caught up in that constant loop of not...
Sep 22, 20227 min read
How does your brain learn?
Let's understand how the brain takes in information and applies the learning when tested
Sep 22, 20223 min read
Military applications of Neurotech- The future of national security, defence and terrestrial warfare
From time immemorial humans have been involved in the art of warfare. We’ve evolved from cavemen using bones, stones, and sticks for...
Sep 22, 20222 min read
The future of Neurotech-aided telepathic communication
Telepathy is the act of communicating using just the thoughts that arise in your brain. But how far are we from making this idea an...
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